The world of Homemade Gelato

Let's learn together how to prepare our ice cream, directly at home, with the flavors and products we like best.


Let's learn together how to prepare our ice cream, directly at home, with the flavors and genuine products we prefer.

We produce our ice cream as in the past, only with genuine natural products, enhancing every single flavour, respecting every single ingredient.

Let's make at least three different flavors together and taste them together, let's see how to prepare different desserts for the pleasure of the table, for us or for our guests.

Let's have fun figuring out how far we can go with our imagination, using ingredients and flavours.

Finally, the new frontier of this product, the gourmet flavors, which we will taste in a dedicated menu that will also make us understand how ice cream can be used in the kitchen.

Don’t miss this new experience at Osteria La Gramola. We are waiting for you!

Contact us to book your preferred day for your experience as a gelato maker!!!

Timing Ice-Cream Courses

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